Advertise. Get noticed.
Advertising your business in the Springview Herald continues to be an economical, effective means of reaching potential customers and keeping their business in the local area. The Springview Herald is always grateful for the opportunity to meet new customers, and for the working relationships they have with so many of their faithful clients. Their goal is to promote and attract THEIR readers to YOUR business.
Display advertising rates $6.25 / column inch
Classified line ad $0.25 / word with a $5.00 minimum
Signature ads $10.00 / each
Business Directory $6.25 / column inch
School/Sports Directory $9.00 / week throughout school year
Church Directory $5.00 / each week
Rack Sales $1.00
Inserts - Costs vary, contact office for pricing
Published: Wednesdays
Submission Deadline: Mondays at 12:00 Noon
Circulation: 700
Publishing your business in newspapers is a win for your local business and the local economy.
Current Springview Herald advertising rates
Nebraska Public Notices website
Springview Herald • News • Publisher • Newspaper • Springview • Keya Paha County • Nebraska